Same Condition is a free Health Network to know more about health issues from people who have health conditions like yours or like your loved ones.
SAt Same Condition users can interact with each other for sharing their experiences and perspective about their medical condition. Same Condition is also a platform where you can have a better understanding about a disease, wellness and well-being, and also about aging. Once you start networking with people like you, you will have a better grip on your existing condition and your future life.
Are you looking for new research and trials going on in the field of medical sciences that may have hope and answers to your queries?
SameCondition provides a bridge between seekers and ongoing experiments and trials. Researchers are welcome to join in this journey for better solutions.
Doctors are healers. SameCondition is a global platform where Hope and Healing go together.
Doctors play a profound role in channelizing the solutions that our users are seeking. Join today!
SameCondition gives you an opportunity to create your profile and record your medical information. By regularly updating your medical information...
At SameCondition, shared data becomes a powerful tool for you to assess, compare and analyse your health and disease with people having medical conditions like you...
SameCondition is a place where people with Same Condition(s) meet and share their perspective and experiences. As mentioned elsewhere,...
SameCondition provides you with authentic educational health and medical content. To keep you well informed, we will keep you updated by sharing health and wellness related articles, blogs and videos.